Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Note

I am wearing a Perry the Platypus t-shirt and Lucky Charms PJ pants. Today I put signs above all 4 toilets on my hall saying "This way to the Ministry of Magic." My ringtone is "Hedwig's Theme" and my desktop background is of Serenity, the firefly ship from the 2002 show "Firefly." I am obsessed with Starkid and I sing their songs all of the time. I watch Avatar: The Last Airbender when I am getting ready for the day. I make bad jokes and puns. I laugh at everything because I usually find something funny about the situation. Sometimes I am anti-social, but I really like to hang out with friends. I love, love, love movies. I really enjoy reading; I also read really fast. I have a Coco Chanel perfume and I have been planning my wedding since I was little. I am a nerd, but I am also a girl. I love traveling and exploring new places. I have desires to travel sometimes that I just cry because I can't go right now. Europe is magical to me. I am not naive, so hush. I don't like the beach because I always always get sunburned and the ocean and I just don't get along. I love the mountains though. I wish I was more "outdoors-y." My sister can make me laugh like no other; she is the greatest. My  boyfriend is amazing and the smartest, hardest working man I've ever met. He makes me want to be a better person. My friends are hilarious (well, I think so) and I can tell them things without obvious judgment from them. (haha). I wish I could do magic. I make this silly little blog because sometimes, when I am cold and alone in my room, I just need to get some perspective.