Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Let me tell you about my day.

So, I go to work at the museum at10am. Today, I arrived at 10:01. Stepped out of my car, and realized that I left my wallet at home. So, I head back to my house and catch every red light on the way. I grab my wallet and then head back to the museum; once again, i catch every red light. SIGH. So that was that. Then, I had to help set up the mazes and that took forever and it was really difficult. I'm not a handy girl, lol. Then I had a lovely lunch with my friend who is getting married. So that was a highlight. Then I had to just wait upstairs for another employee to get back from lunch (an hour and a half lunch). Finally, I was able to back downstairs to do my job: accessions. But then I remembered that the work from the pottery camp last week was on the floor where the basement flooded. (It's nice to know that the basement of a museum floods when there are very valuable things down there.) Finally, I was left with 2 hours to work on accessions.  UGH. Now, all I want to do is sleeeeeep

Crayons are amazing.

I'm not sure what it means when you can only color the foreground because your crayons aren't sharp enough to color the detailed background.

Today Hannah and I would pick out 4 random crayons and assign the other sister to color a page using only those 4 colors. This provided hours of entertainment. We are 20 and 15. 

I watched most of a wonderful French film called "The Last Metro." You should check it out. It's set during WWII; my favorite historical time. Not because of the violence, but because it is so rich with story. Yes, I am thinking about it very romantically. 

Also, I am currently watching Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood and it is awesome to say the least. 

C'est tout.