I like the "new" Facebook. It gives more real time updates and makes it easier to edit what you want to see on your news feed. The only problem I have is that the scroll bar on the little live timeline thing is too small and I accidentally click the post instead of scrolling.
Other than that, I don't really care. I don't think that just because a website changed, everyone should get all up in arms and threaten to leave. It's not that big of a deal. I do understand the psychology behind doing so though. People have written out their lives, shared their stories on this website and it's like a journal or an autobiography (Albeit, very self-absorbed and uninteresting autobiographies).
I started this blog as a way to get away from social media. I haven't really done that lately, but I think I'm going to again. (I'm so inconsistent.)
Feedback on this would be much appreciated.