Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Let me tell you about my day.

So, I go to work at the museum at10am. Today, I arrived at 10:01. Stepped out of my car, and realized that I left my wallet at home. So, I head back to my house and catch every red light on the way. I grab my wallet and then head back to the museum; once again, i catch every red light. SIGH. So that was that. Then, I had to help set up the mazes and that took forever and it was really difficult. I'm not a handy girl, lol. Then I had a lovely lunch with my friend who is getting married. So that was a highlight. Then I had to just wait upstairs for another employee to get back from lunch (an hour and a half lunch). Finally, I was able to back downstairs to do my job: accessions. But then I remembered that the work from the pottery camp last week was on the floor where the basement flooded. (It's nice to know that the basement of a museum floods when there are very valuable things down there.) Finally, I was left with 2 hours to work on accessions.  UGH. Now, all I want to do is sleeeeeep

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