So about 10 minutes ago, I reached into my closest and selected a purple turtleneck to wear. As I was going to take the hanger out of the shirt, I saw movement...inside of the shirt.
Now movement is not something one would like to see inside of a shirt that he or she is about to wear. I dropped the shirt because I have seen movies and I was not about to open the shirt only to be attacked by some vicious clothes dwelling alien. I have seen way too much Doctor Who to know that could be possible. Now as I said, I dropped the shirt and then a small brown nickel sized furry of death and horror started to scurry from the inside of my shirt. Without taking my eyes off of this vicious monster, I reached up into my other closest and got my paper towel roll, tore off about 4 sheets (more sheets = less contact with monster that wants to take over the world), and proceeded to squish and squash and smear the tiny yet terrifying monster with eight legs into the collar of my purple turtleneck shirt.
Then I hyperventilated, called my boyfriend, walked in circles while trying to call him again, finally he answered then I left my room and walked in circles in the hall and then went into the stairwell and walked in circles in the landing and went to the lobby and circled there and went back upstairs and into my room.
Luckily for all of humanity, the spider was still dead, my shirt is still in the middle of my floor with spider guts inside of it and I am not sleeping in my room tonight.
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